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目 標 1000 包

概念集滿1000包我們就立即與此品牌聯繫,這是要您完全自願的集體促成進貨, 這不屬於任何進口商的營利,只是媽媽間的合作互助集力自由,這是一個集體共創性的實驗行動。

價格 1人最少1包 NT500 (多退少補)每包會捐獻5元支持流浪動物照生會貓狗119,扣除海關/運費/稅等所有費用,每包酌收30元處理費。(會有收據各種證明) 集結1000包後會有更具體詳細的團購說明。

為何妳們出錢我 出力(我也是個媽媽只是沒錢進口。但有我們的集合就可以擁有任何世界上想要的好東西。) 我們可以一起讓寶寶來用它!不用再等待進口商了,台灣環保意識過時緩慢,你的寶 寶的尿布疹和日以繼夜的屁屁吸收化學藥劑和不環保塑膠尿布環境垃圾問題值得妳投資參與這個如當年嬉皮般的人民運動! 妳可以選擇表態!

size 1 / 3.6-6kg / 26片
size 2 / 5.5-8kg / 44片
size 3 / 7-13kg / 38片
size 4 / 10-17kg / 34片
size 5 / 11-25kg / 28片
size 6 / 16kg+ / 22片

尿布來自瑞典品牌NatureBaby Care的可生物分解天然環保紙尿布。(國際可生物分解環保尿布第一品牌)

使用可被生物分解、不含基因改造(GM-free)的天然玉米材質 (natural maize film),能讓寶寶保持乾爽 肌膚自由呼吸、中央吸收表層使用可被生物分解(biodegradable)的樹漿(biodegradable tree pulp)、 通過Scandinavian Environmental Society測試不含化學藥劑(chlorine-free)、特殊的結構讓體積更輕 薄了50%,但吸收力超強,比一般的環保尿布更薄讓寶寶更易活動。 布尿布也是一個好的選擇,只是體積較大要洗而且最終也無法分解。妳會需要可分解 又成份安全的拋棄尿布。

社群請加入facebook MommyChoose媽媽選擇題 社群。MommyChoose媽媽選擇題

Hey Yummy Mommy,what you choose for your life? 從 媽媽的角度來分享和創 造及決定妳要的市場中的貨色,甚至是去促成對帶著寶寶行動者更友善的環境。或者是妳要的生活。所以我們需要妳的媽咪力量!

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2009-01-14 01:05:57 發表


網易探索1月13日訊 據國外媒體報道,在現今這個喜愛丟棄的社會,許多完美的材料最終淪為垃圾,與此同時,新的材料不斷出現並取代了它們的位置。一些富有創意的綠色建築師、藝術家、科學家及其他發明家正致力於改變這一趨勢,他們收集身邊被遺棄的零碎東西,利用它們最終建造出令人瞠目的房子、寺廟、雕塑甚至燃料。以下便是令人難以置信的變廢為寶的十大典型建設,它們將向你展示,身邊那些熟視無睹的廢棄物是可以搖身一變成為藝術品,而變廢為寶就是讓東西永遠都有用。


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Washable Nappies 可洗式尿布

organic cotton nappies (UK)                     bamboo nappies

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席菈不死 ⑭ 道德百貨公司

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Sexy Green Lingerie: 20+ Hot and Carefree Fashions<--Link

Stella McCartney


g=9.8 organiclingerie.fr


Green Knickers

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  • Mar 16 Mon 2009 13:41
  • Enmore


UK-based Enamore makes unique, feminine pieces. Made from hemp, organic silk and soy fabrics, their range includes four different collections and in inspired by vintage fabrics and French glamour. They offer everything from lingerie sets and individual pieces to eye masks, garters and even wedding lingerie.

Case in point, the pictured Truched shorty is made from a crisp white organic stretch silk with with candy pink satin bows .

Top 5 Eco-Lingerie: Enamore<--Link

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  • Mar 15 Sun 2009 16:34
  • g=9.8


g=9.8 Logo



original article <--Link

Sophie Young, the founder of g=9.8, renews her desire to place her brand within a sustainable development approach. Her range includes both mens and womens underwear made from recycled wood. The fabric has a silky texture and is ultra comfortable. It is as soft as silk with the feel of cashmere and the coolness of linen. The wood is enzymically processed into fibers (a bit like beer) with a touch of spandex for added stretch!

This fibre has amazing properties as it regulates temperature so that you are never too hot or too cold and it won't lose its shape. It is also biodegradable and anti bacterial. It washes well and dries very quickly.

Eco-conceived, the creations of g=9.8 have a limited impact on the environment:

- Wood fibers recycled as raw materials,
- Limited water consumption,
- Items certified OEKOTEX STANDARD 100,
- Eco-packaging with original clutch bags made of recycled materials or purchased from fair trade (Cambodia).

g=9.8 chooses to base the entire production of its products in France because they thing that sustainable development depends on local development, employment and preserving local know-hows. They chose local production to refuse the absurdity of lower prices for some people at the expense of job loss for others, and destruction of the planet for everyone.

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Pí Organic

The collection perfectly imperfect is inspired by the wabi sabi way of life.

Wabi Sabi is an ancient Chinese philosophy adapted by the Japanese tea masters. This belief stands for things that are fresh and simple. It denotes simplicity and quietude, and also incorporates rustic beauty. It includes both that which is made by hand. It can also mean an accidental or happenstance element (or perhaps even a small flaw) which gives elegance and uniqueness. It helps us to see the beauty in imperfection and to discover that our greatest strengths and treasures. When we know this fundamental joy, we can reveal the most powerful and positive sides of ourselves.

Top 5 Eco-Friendly Lingerie: Perfectly Imperfect<--Link


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